The ISO 14001 provides the framework for creating an environmental management system that encourages a balance between maintaining profitability and reducing environmental impact. ISO 14001 certification demonstrates a commitment to reduce waste and to recycle responsibly.
ISO 45001:2018 is globally the most recognized framework for occupational health and safety management. This framework supports a responsible management system that aims to minimize or completely eliminate risk to employees and stakeholders that may be vulnerable to OHS risks associated with an organization’s activities. The standard also provides a framework to effectively manage compliance and conformance to the legislation that is applicable to the organization’s identified hazards and activities.
The TCEQ works to promote clean air and water as well as the safe management of waste in Texas. Its additional focus is on the protection of the state’s natural resources.
The main goal of the Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program is to promote equal business opportunities to minority, women, and/or service-disabled veteran owned businesses.
National Association of Information and Destruction (NAID) sets standards and promotes best practices for secure date destruction.